Showing 1 - 25 of 283 Results
Dialogues of Saint Gregory the Great : Re-Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Gregory, Gardner, Edmund Ga... ISBN: 9781889758947
The Story of Florence by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781142082628 List Price: $36.75
James Mackintosh's Vindiciae Gallicae by Garratt, Edmund, MacKintosh... ISBN: 9780230525399 List Price: $69.95
National Idea in Italian Literature by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781168776570 List Price: $25.56
Dialogues of Saint Gregory, Surnamed the Great; Pope of Rome the First of That Name Divided ... by Gregory I, Pope, P, W., Gar... ISBN: 9781176404533 List Price: $32.75
Saint Catherine of Siena, a Study in the Religion, Literature, and History of the Fourteenth... by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781176426306 List Price: $38.75
Aids to the Study of Dante by Dinsmore, Charles Allen, Ch... ISBN: 9781176524651 List Price: $38.75
National Idea in Italian Literature by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781171710462 List Price: $17.75
King of Court Poets; a Study of the Work, Life and Time of Lodovico Ariosto by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781171787228 List Price: $37.75
Dante's Ten Heavens; a Study of the Paradiso by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781177421805 List Price: $32.75
Cell of Self-Knowledge : Seven early English mystical treatises printed by Henry Pepwell In ... by Pepwell, Henry, Gardner, Ed... ISBN: 9781177620284 List Price: $21.75
Story of Italian Literature : Things to Know Series by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781258499518 List Price: $36.95
Story of Italian Literature : Things to Know Series by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781258504632 List Price: $21.95
King of Court Poets : A Study of the Work, Life and Time of Lodovico Ariosto... by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781277722789 List Price: $36.75
Dante's Ten Heavens; a Study of the Paradiso by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781178169898 List Price: $33.75
Dante and the Mystics : A Study of the Mystical Aspect of the Divina Commedia and Its Relati... by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781165932030 List Price: $27.16
Dante and the Mystics : A Study of the Mystical Aspect of the Divina Commedia and Its Relati... by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781165988426 List Price: $39.16
National Idea in Italian Literature by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781166148423 List Price: $13.56
King of Court Poets : A study of the work, life and time of Lodovico Ariosto by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781177984010 List Price: $36.75
Saint Catherine of Sien : A study in the religion, literature and history of the fourteenth ... by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781178021202 List Price: $38.75
National Idea in Italian Literature by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781179396422 List Price: $17.75
Dante and the Mystics; A Study of the Mystical Aspect of the Divina Commedia and Its Relatio... by Edmund Garratt Gardner ISBN: 9781230470153 List Price: $8.27
The Arthurian Legend in Italian Literature by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9780374929992
Saint Catherine of Siena, a Study in the Religion, Literature, and History of the Fourteenth... by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781152493599 List Price: $37.11
Dante's Ten Heavens by Gardner, Edmund Garratt ISBN: 9781142167172 List Price: $32.75
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